Michèle Lowrie (University of Chicago): Security - A Roman Metaphor

2016. április 07.
MÚK 4/B, 217
2016. április 07. -
MÚK 4/B, 217
Az ELTE BTK Latin Tanszéke
és az Ókortudományi Társaság
tisztelettel meghív minden érdeklődőt
Michèle Lowrie
(University of Chicago)
Security: A Roman Metaphor
című előadására.
Az előadás absztraktja:
The word securitas first occurs in Cicero meaning “tranquility,” in a strictly psychological sense. A century later the “security of the Roman Empire” had become a political slogan. Recognition of the concept’s origins in the collapse of the Roman Republic helps to clarify its potential for ideological manipulation. Ancient philosophy makes the blessed life, humanity’s highest aspiration, dependent on peace of mind. And when tranquility becomes a political imperative, it justifies Imperial governance and encourages depoliticization. Originally less a concept than a cluster of tropes, the evolution of “security” can be traced through a series of figurations, including the imagined embodiment of group safety in a charismatic leader. In this lecture, Lowrie sheds light on how security discourses have always sympathized with the maintenance of hierarchies, the centralization of power, and trade-offs in citizen rights.
Az előadás helye és ideje:
2016. április 7 (csütörtök), 17.00
MÚK 4/B, 217-es terem