Konferencia az Aeneis-kommentárokról

Konferencia az Aeneis-kommentárokról
09/19 - 09/21

2024. szeptember 19. - 2024. szeptember 21.

MÚK 4/B, Alföldy-géza terem

09/19 - 09/21

2024. szeptember 19. - 2024. szeptember 21.

MÚK 4/B, Alföldy-géza terem

Explaining the non enarrabile textum throughout the centuries

A conference on the commentary tradition of Vergil’s Aeneid

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

Budapest, 19–21 September 2024

Organised by the research project NKFI FK 153096;
supported by ELTE, Faculty of Humanities and University Excellence Fund

Conference venue:
ELTE Faculty of Humanities,
Building B, 1 st floor, Géza Alföldy Room

Dániel KOZÁK (kozak.daniel@btk.elte.hu) and
Ábel TAMÁS (tamas.abel@btk.elte.hu)

Downloadable program in pdf


11.00 Opening remarks

Panel 1 (11.10–12.30, chair: László TAKÁCS)
11.10 Ute TISCHER (Universität Leipzig / Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig): Commentarii and ‘Commentaries’. Commenting on Vergil’s Aeneid in and outside the Commentary
11.50 Dániel KOZÁK (ELTE, Budapest): Distant Reading Vergilian Commentaries: From Servius to the 21st Century

12.30–14.00 Lunch break

Panel 2 (14.00–15.20, chair: Ute TISCHER)
14.00 Philip HARDIE (Trinity College, Cambridge): Traditions of Commentary on the Hercules and Cacus Episode in Aeneid 8
14.40 József KRUPP (ELTE, Budapest): Coasts, Caieta and the Commentaries

15.20–15.50 Coffee break

Panel 3 (15.50–17.10, chair: Dániel KOZÁK)
15.50 Attila FERENCZI (ELTE, Budapest): The Golden Bough after Servius
16.30 Ildikó HAJDU (ELTE, Budapest): The Aeneid in 17th-century Jesuit education in Nagyszombat (Trnava/Tyrnavia)



Panel 4 (9.00–10.20, chair: Farkas Gábor KISS)
9.00 Luke HOUGHTON (University College London): Virgilian Commentary and Renaissance Art: Interpretative Choices
9.40 Ádám PÁCZELT (ELTE, Budapest): A Neglected Manuscript of Servius: OSZK Cod. Lat. 7

10.20–10.50 Coffee break

Panel 5 (10.50–12.50, chair: Luke HOUGHTON)
10.50 Giandomenico TRIPODI (Università di Bologna): Giovanni del Virgilio and his Rediscovered Commentary on the Aeneid
11.30 Daniella JUHÁSZ (ELTE, Budapest): Jodocus Badius Ascensius’ ‘Familiar Commentary’
12.10 Farkas Gábor KISS (ELTE, Budapest): Imitation and Affection in Pontanus’ Commentary on the Aeneid

12.50–14.15 Lunch break

14.15–15.45 Writing commentaries in and for the 21st century – round-table discussion (Philip HARDIE, Fiachra Mac GÓRÁIN, Ábel TAMÁS; moderator: Dániel KOZÁK)



Panel 6 (9.30-12.00, chair: Attila FERENCZI)
9.30 Ábel TAMÁS (ELTE, Budapest): The Text as Illusion and Epiphany: Virgil’s ‘Helen Episode’ and the Commentaries
10.10 Fiachra MAC GÓRÁIN (University College London): Gender Euphoria: La Cerda on Virgil’s Camilla10.50 László Takács (PPKE, Budapest): Cornutus and the problem of figmentum poeticum

11.30–11.45 Coffee break

11.45–12.00 Final discussion and closing remarks